You Can DO IT


You Can Shine

Don't tell people, "You can be anything you want to be." Tell them, "Discover what you were born to do and do that."

Don't tell people, "You can be anything you want to be." Tell them, "Discover what you were born to do and do that."

Thanks for Visiting

Nikki Hanna, humorist, author, and speaker, offers individual coaching on writing, as well as presentations and workshops on aging, leadership, women's issues, and writing.

Books By Nikki Hanna

Red Heels and Smokin’

Out of Iowa into Oklahoma

Capture Life–Write a Memoir

Hey, Kids, Watch This–Go BEYOND Aging Well

Leadership Savvy

Near Sex Experiences–Aging with Bravado

Write Whatever the Hell You Want

Listen Up, Writer–
How Not to Write Like an Amateur

Sometimes I Just Talk Crazy


How to Go BEYOND Aging Well
Leadership Savvy–How to Stand Out
Finding Joy and Purpose in Writing
Tap Into Craft–The Road to Authorship
Get the Most Out of Revision/Editing/Proofing
Nail the Structure–Beginnings, Endings, and In Between
Write with Voice, Style, and Humor
Capture Life through Memoir–Writing the Hard Stuff
Create Compelling Nonfiction
Apply Winning Strategies to Contests
Evaluate Printing, Publishing, Marketing Options

Other/Custom Presentations

Contact Information

Nikki Hanna, Patina Publishing