You Can DO IT

Nikki Hanna

You Can Shine

Don't tell people, "You can be anything you want to be." Tell them, "Discover what you were born to do and do that."

When you learn something, it becomes a part of you. No one can take that away. When you share what you learn, you give the gift of legacy. And legacies are forever.



How to Not Write Like an Amateur
Writer Education Series

Find Joy and Purpose in Writing—encourages writers to take a fresh look at why they write and to develop a definition of success that taps into innate talents and is achievable.

Tap into Craft—The Road to Authorship—reveals common craft mistakes writers make—the ones that shout amateur.

Get the Most Out of Revision, Editing, and Proofing—ensures a writer produces work that is impressive enough to win contest and compete in the writing marketplace.

Nail the Structure—Beginnings, Endings, and In Between—covers how to write compelling beginnings and endings and how to keep the middle from slumping.

Write with Voice, Style, and Humor—shows writers how to find personal voice and style, so their writing stands out from other writers, delights readers, and impresses publishers.

Capture Life through Memoir—Writing the Hard Stuff—shows how to write a captivating life story, how to write about difficult times and flawed characters, how to decide what to put in and what to leave out, and how to print and publish.

Create Compelling Nonfiction—covers writing principles that apply to various categories of nonfiction (biography/memoir, instructional, self-help, essay, inspirational, and illustrative). Writing tips that apply to other genres and publishing options are included.

Apply Winning Strategies to Writing Contests—demonstrates how to be more competitive in contests and how to strategically select them. Key tips increase the odds of winning.

Evaluate Printing, Publishing, and Marketing Options—this discloses the nuances of the industry and describes the pros and cons of various publishing strategies, so writers can make sound, informed decisions and find joy and purpose in writing.

These presentations are designed for either writers’ conferences, writers' groups, or weekend workshops, but they can be customized and zoomed.

Being passionate about something makes you feel as though you are enough just by being. Nothing else is needed to define you. Sharing that passion with others promotes a sense of purpose, and sharing is the path to mattering. . . .Nikki Hanna


This presentation focuses on the emotional influences of being a writer and is perfect for writers' conferences, book clubs, and writers' groups. Novel approaches to writing are revealed that give participants a deeper understanding of why they write. Not everyone is going to “sell lots of books and make lots of money.” Narrowly focusing on that goal produces frustrated writers. Hanna does not discourage that dream, but she does suggest that writers supplement this dream by exploring alternative pathways to achievement and fulfillment. They learn how to (1) Redefine success, (2) Identify a niche that is compatible with innate talents, (3) Discover options that are energizing and rewarding, and (4) Convert writing talent into a gift to others. These actions interject a sense of purpose into the writing process. They generate joy.

This session also reveals strategies that give writers an edge and increase the odds of winning contests and being successful at submissions. Valuable tips on mastering “the craft of writing” show how polish makes all the difference in outcomes. With the fresh perspectives and enhanced skills, this presentation introduces new ways to achieve the expert status of authorship. Hanna also has information for writers on how to cultivate voice and humor, as well as how to write about difficult subjects.

I define success as: "I wrote it, I shared it, and someone enjoyed it. With that definition, I am successful when the words flow. I cannot fail.". . .Nikki Hanna


This program can be a presentation, but it works best as a workshop with at least four two-hour sessions. It encourages an appreciation for sharing life stories. Hands-on writing and critiquing processes prove that anyone can write. With the confidence to translate life experiences into stories rich with meaning, participants are equipped to give the gift of legacy through the chronicling of life. They will:

-explore approaches, style, and structure of stories

-learn details of the craft of writing

-discover writing tools/technology

-learn how to incorporate photos

-identify sources of information/interview techniques

-format and organize stories into a memoir

-design a cover and print, publish, and copyright

It is not important that you have the perfect book. It is just important that you have one. A flawed memoir has a charm all its own. It reflects the essence of the person who wrote it. . . .Nikki Hanna


This presentation is a delightful, inspirational romp through the world of aging. Hanna makes the topic entertaining, enlightening, and inspirational. Generation gaps, grandparenting, technology quagmires, and age-related goof-ups are portrayed. Participants learn how to find a sense of purpose and live in a way that inspires others, so the young do not dread their own futures. In a workshop setting, a broad range of aging issues are explored in depth. Subjects include relevance, purpose, learning, finding a tribe, simplifying life, writing a memoir, and romance. Coping strategies are proposed in the areas of health/fitness, technology, the gradual decline, and those sudden-one-moment incidents that change everything. Both blissful aging experiences and tough end-of-life subjects are explored. Participants learn how to give the gift of a good goodbye, no matter what happens.

I was in a foul mood at my senior line-dancing class and contemplated leaving at the break. Then, I noticed a woman in a wheelchair wistfully watching the dancers. A sense of my ungratefulness slammed into me–hard. I decided to stay. The music seemed more vibrant, my dancer compadres more precious, and my world more remarkable. And I danced my heart out. . . .Nikki Hanna


This presentation shows how to stand out as a leader, promote employee loyalty, and build an energized workforce. Ten common leadership mistakes, ten management myths, and five keys to career success are revealed. Concrete, proven strategies designed to make both participants and their organizations more productive and successful are introduced. Hanna's expansive experience in corporate America has given her an acute awareness of the path to exceptional leadership. She has lived the strategies proposed and articulates them in a candid, quotable manner that inspires and enlightens.

Putting it all on the line when your gut and logic tell you it is the right thing to do and the right time to do it–well, there is just nothing else like it. . . .Nikki Hanna

Customized Programs Are Available. Contact:

Nikki Hanna